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Well, this is my second blog. This one, unlike dumat.simple , will be completely dedicated to philosophical, mathematical, or physics arguments that have come to my knowledge over time and that further classify as inspirational, or sufficiently amusing to me. This blog will also contain my very vague commentaries and beliefs on the nature of the universe or life or art. Each article is supposed to have a logical structure to it here, so I will positively refrain from any sort of story telling. I believe that a good dialectic, or a rationalized argument is just more satisfying when taken to self-completeness than a sort of ad-hoc intuition based hypothesis or conjecturing at whim by using excessive verbiage, and is a must to convery any truth of scientific or philosophic value. As a side remark, this does not mean that I repress my intuitive faculties, because I don't, infact I rather rely heavily on them. While trying to form an argument, I may tend to skim past some details believing that my intuitive arguments fill the gaps well and I would certainly be able to fill these gaps by rigorous proofs anytime later, however, in doing so, one tends to obviate past alot of intricacies, and this might lead to unexpected errors. So, I also plead to you, whosoever who might be reading this blog, to propose counter arguments if my observations aren't well-founded, or correct me if they are ignorantly incorrect as the case maybe.

Kartiek Agarwal

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